Well Looks like it's time to play catch up since my last post. We have been extremley busy as usual. First on the list of catch-up items is Halloween.... I took Ariana Trick or Treating for the first time this year, She was really excited about it, but after about an hour she was DONE, Didn't want to know anything about it and even mentioned she didn't care to do it again, but i know that was just the "Tired Ariana" talking, LOL. She got SO much candy, in fact we still have some left. I wanted to dress Ariana up in a different costume this year being that she has always dressed up in such girly girl costumes like a butterfly, lady bug, fairy, and Diva ...I was going more for Batwoman or something of that sort, But little Ms. Ariana was not having it...She insisted on being a Ballerina, i was like REALLY??? don't you do enough dressing up of that sort with your dance classes, LOL...but i gave in, LIKE ALWAYS....so it wasn't too hard to dress her up...Here are a couple of pics from Halloween.
Ariana is in the front doing a cartwheel. I caught her in Action!
These last two picture our of Ariana doing a Mini-performance in El campo
Thats all I have for now, We are so looking forward to the holidays! We have a Very Busy first 3 months in 2011 as Ariana will have 2 competitions a Month and will be performing her Solo for the first time on January 15th :) It's going to be very exciting and I'm One proud Mommy!
Today we will be heading to Dallas for an extended weekend and we will be going to watch our favorite football team play at Cowboys Stadium on Sunday night...woohoo! GO COWBOYS...Ariana and I both have our blinged out jersey's ready and of course the princess got a Dallas Cowboys Bow to match. We are ECSTATIC!
I hope all of you have an Awesome Christmas and hopefully i will have an update for you guys again before the end of 2010!