Friday, December 10, 2010

Catch up Time!

Well Looks like it's time to play catch up since my last post. We have been extremley busy as usual. First on the list of catch-up items is Halloween.... I took Ariana Trick or Treating for the first time this year, She was really excited about it, but after about an hour she was DONE, Didn't want to know anything about it and even mentioned she didn't care to do it again, but i know that was just the "Tired Ariana" talking, LOL. She got SO much candy, in fact we still have some left. I wanted to dress Ariana up in a different costume this year being that she has always dressed up in such girly girl costumes like a butterfly, lady bug, fairy, and Diva ...I was going more for Batwoman or something of that sort, But little Ms. Ariana was not having it...She insisted on being a Ballerina, i was like REALLY??? don't you do enough dressing up of that sort with your dance classes, LOL...but i gave in, LIKE it wasn't too hard to dress her up...Here are a couple of pics from Halloween.

Myatt Elementary held a Thanksgiving feast at the school and Ariana was a Pilgrim!

and here are some X-treme Jazz Pictures....Now you know those were gonna be in here somewhere, much time and dedication that this girl has to dance, cheer, and everything else...These pictures are from her 1st cheer competition that was held at the Reliant Center in Houston.

Ariana is in the front doing a cartwheel. I caught her in Action!

These last two picture our of Ariana doing a Mini-performance in El campo

Thats all I have for now, We are so looking forward to the holidays! We have a Very Busy first 3 months in 2011 as Ariana will have 2 competitions a Month and will be performing her Solo for the first time on January 15th :) It's going to be very exciting and I'm One proud Mommy!

Today we will be heading to Dallas for an extended weekend and we will be going to watch our favorite football team play at Cowboys Stadium on Sunday night...woohoo! GO COWBOYS...Ariana and I both have our blinged out jersey's ready and of course the princess got a Dallas Cowboys Bow to match. We are ECSTATIC!

I hope all of you have an Awesome Christmas and hopefully i will have an update for you guys again before the end of 2010!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bittersweet Moment!

Just wanted to share a very exciting, but bittersweet moment with all you....Yesterday Ariana's room was rearranged and a lot of toys moved out of there....A full size bed was put in her room, with her very own "big TV", She was so excited to see it when she got home.....She even said she wanted to sleep in her own room .....and well she did for the ENTIRE night for the first time....I missed her so much checked on her so many times during the night and even plugged in the baby monitor..LOL..i know so crazy, but as most of you know my little princess has slept with me since the day she was born. She had such a good nights sleep and well I on the other hand felt like I didn't get any sleep because i was so worried about her and missed her so very much. This morning i told her how proud of her I was and that i Missed her so very much...Her reply was"but i'm not far, I'M JUST ACROSS THE HALL" "far is when i'm in Richmond" was so funny and cute at the same time. Let's see how tonight goes!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

This and That!

Here I go again....... almost a month since my last post, SO SORRY! but we have been doing great. Ariana is doing awesome in kindergarten and learning very much. She is very excited about school and actually looks forward to doing her homework and assignments. In kindergarten you get your homework assignment for the whole week on Monday and it's not due until Friday, If it were up to her she would get it all done on Monday, but i have to space it out for her. She is learning how to read and its super exciting for us. She is doing better with spelling and writing out words. She has to keep a 97 or higher on her behavior chart to earn fun rewards and outings with the class. I'm proud to say that Little Miss has maintained a 100 :) YAY!! She is still very much involved with Dance, Cheer & tumbling. She is definitley liking Cheer better though. She LOVES tumbling class and is very eager to learn a back bend kick over on her own. She is getting there, so hopefully by the end of being on this mini blue cheer team she will have it mastered. I will keep you guys posted on contests and perfermonces as they come closer. As for Mommy, well i had my 10 year class reunion a couple of weeks ago (which really made me feel old) but I had a blast and tonight I get to go to the Derby Doll (HS Dance Drill team) 40th Reunion. I'm so excited to hang out and see all my friends from HS! here are some pictures of this and that :)

Ariana got to wear silly socks to school today for maintaing a great behavior average!!

At Prarie Days in El Campo Enjoying the pony ride and showing off her face painting

with her God-brother Devin at the Desiree's soccer game:)

Acting silly with mommy's sunglasses

Riding her bike for the first time...that Daddy gave her

having some fun at the park!

And here goes mommy with some of her Class of 2000 classmates and our 8th grade Spanish teacher Ms. Herndandez!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Kindergarten Update!

Kindergarten has been great so far. Ariana is really liking it and not complaining to much about getting up in the mornings. She is doing Awesome with going to sleep early, sometimes i actually have to keep her awake because she is ready to go to sleep at 6:00p.m. She is getting used to no naps at school. She has had a 100 every day so far, which means NO discipline problems ..(She was able to wear sunglasses and a hat to school today as a reward for great behavior) I'm just wondering why can't she be that way with me, LOL...her grade with me would be a 75-80, i guess it's my fault..she is spoiled rotten and is used to getting her way....thats whats happen when they are an only child. It may be time for a brother or sister very soon..What do you think??? LOL...JUST KIDDING. I am no where near ready for that, so when that conversation comes up with Ariana I have to change it quick, hahaha.
The following are random pics:
Ariana in her practice outfit for Cheer:

Here she is posing for the camera after school

Showing off her pretty bow made by Jenn's Bowtique!

Getting ready for the Cheer Mini Clinic
with her Ricky Ricebird Tattoo

And Here goes a video of Ariana Cheering at the Football game in El Campo. It was part of the Cheerleading Mini Clinic she attended a couple weeks back.

Ariana had her 5 year check up on Wednesday and she is growing perfectly. She weighs 38 pounds and is 41" tall. Poor baby did have to get a shot and let me tell you it wasn't easy getting it. Ariana threw her self on the floor kicking and screaming very LOUD, I could't even control her and keep her down on my own. It was the WORST trantum in her ENTIRE LIFE i swear the whole clinic could hear her. I felt so bad, but at the same time i had to get her on the table so she could get her shot. It took me and the nurse to hold her down and let me tell you it was a battle, she may be little but that fear of the shot turned her into one STRONG girl! I'm glad its over and done with :) She definitley won't be getting a flu shot this year, we are sticking to the flu mist once again...ON a good NOTE...Last weekend we took Ariana to SeaWorld and She LOVED it, we definitley are planning to go back there next summer. One day just wasn't enough to explore all the great things they have to offer, so it will be Season Passes for us next year:)
Enjoy the rest of the pictures!

For all of you who recieve this by email and can't see the pictures, Please click on the link below to visit the site. Thanks:)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ariana's is officially in kindergarten. WOW. She was very excited this morning. She was actually in bed by 9:00 pm last night and up early this morning. Let's hope we can keep this routine going. Here are a few pics of her this morning. I hope you enjoy them :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Meet the teacher night.....

Meet the teacher night went Great. She seems really nice and I think it is going to be a great year. Ariana was very excited to see her new classroom and can't wait until Monday for her first day. I'm a little sad about it all, never would have imagined that her starting kindergarten would really affect me this way. I figured since i was so used to droping her off at day care/school that this wouldn't be any different...It's just another day at school right???? but boy oh boy was I wrong. Myatt's policy states that you cannot walk your child into school except for on the first day of class....I'm so worried because once she's out of my vehicle, she is on her own...Will she get to the breakfast line ok?? will she find her classroom??? will she know where to go??? OMG so many questions and i'm going to be one worried mommy for the first couple of weeks ...I know they have teachers on duty, but with so many kids..i'm just so NERVOUS! Isn't it supposed to be the other way around, LOL....i'm gonna be the big baby crying on the first day...awww My baby is growing up.

Today is Ariana's last full day at daycare. She wasn't lucky enough to escape from the place for good though, LOL.She is now considered an After-schooler. Ariana has been waiting for this day. This is HUGE for her. I'm so glad that i have the daycare to pick her up from school and keep her for me until i'm out of work.

I will give you guys an update next week on her first day of school....She is ready...She has her new clothes, bows, shoes, etc. She even has her Red Ricebird Shirt for Friday's customized with her Name.

Tommorow she will be participating in a cheerleading mini clinic and will be able to perform during the 1st quarter at El Campo's first football game. I can't wait to see my princess Cheering those ricebirds on.

As for her X-Treme Dance/Cheer classes everything is going great. She stays extremley busy with those practices and they have some cute dances. She is learning 4 team dances, 1 Solo dance, and then her Cheerleading dance/routine. I will say that one of the team dances will be to the chipmunks singing "Single Ladies" its a hard dance, but SUPER CUTE. Ariana's SOLO routine will be to Miley Cyrus "Girls just want to have Fun"

Ariana will begin Swimming lessons within the next couple weeks also..I know i'm WAY late on this, but She has got to get them done and she will be ready to go for next summer :)
Hope you all have a great weekend and sorry for not including any pictures in this post!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

5 year old Princess

My princess in now 5 years old. I just can't believe it. She celebrated her Birthday at the Aquatic Center this year. She absolutley loved it. It's a very fun place to go swimming and enjoy splashing around in the water. She received lots of clothes, money, purses, hello kitty accesories, a wii, and her very first bike. She was beyond excited. The party turned out great :-)

Ariana will be starting kindergarten on Monday the 23rd. I'm still a little nervous about it, even though she has been at first school & day care for the majority of her life, its still scary because this is REAL SCHOOL...No more naps or going to bed late at night, LOL. We have to get on a strict schedule which means going to bed by 9:00 p.m. That is going to be quite a challenge with this princess, LOL..but I know we will accomplish it....WE MUST!!! She loves to have her breakfast in the morning so she will have to be there by 7:40 every morning....GOOD LUCK TO ME on this...LOL...Those of you who know me well, know that its a task in itself just to make it to work on time for me..hahaha..

Tommorow will be "meet the teacher" night. I am super excited for that, Can't wait to see what she is like. I will most definitley post an update sometime next week on how everything went. Hope all is well with all of you :-)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Proud Sister of a United States Marine!!

This a Special Post to my brother: Words can't explain how proud I am of him.

Today was the Eagle, Globe, & Anchor Ceremony. He is officially a United States Marine. OOHRAA!!! Only 7 more days until we get to see him :-)

The picture below was taken from a video on Friday, June 25, 2010

A Poem for My brother

It Can Not be Inherited
Nor Can it Ever be Purchased
You or No One Alive can Buy It for Any Price
It is Impossible to Rent and It Can Not be Lent
You Alone and Our Own have Earned It
with Your Sweat, Blood and Lives.
You Own It Forever
The Title "United States Marine"