Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring Recital

Ariana had her X-treme Jazz Dance Recital on Saturday. She did such an Awesome job and i was so very proud of her. She remembered her routines and really got into the dances. Thanks to everyone that showed up and the Torres family for coming out to see the Beautiful Princess do her thing. It really did mean a lot to her, especially to see her daddy there. Words can't express how happy that made her feel. For those of you who were there, Ariana finally confessed what was behind those tears. As you guys noticed Ariana didn't get the Certificate right away that most of the girls got, so once that was all over she thought that everyone was looking at her because of that. She then told me last night that she was crying because she was happy that everyone was there, which by the way totally caught me off guard because i really didn't expect her to say that to me. I told her that it was ok to cry when your happy. I didn't get to many pictures, but we did get to capture a special picture for Ariana. One of her with mommy and daddy. She has been wanting a picture of us 3 together so I'm glad we were able to do that for her. The recital wrapped up things for her PeeWee Team. She will begin learning a new routine to tryout for the Elementary team. Try-Outs will be Saturday May 22nd which also happens to be the same day she will be doing a photoshoot with a photographer in Richmond, so we will be busy bees that day.

Next week Ariana will be a Pre-K Graduate. Wow how time flies and she will be ready to start Kindergarten in the fall. (I'm not quite sure i'm ready for that, though)

As far as an update from my brother in bootcamp, well I haven't received a letter from him yet. I do have his address so if any of you would like to write him encouraging and uplifting letters please let me know so that i can get that address to you.

Have a great week and enjoy the few pictures :-)

All Team Dance: She is first little one in the front row

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ricky in Marine's Bootcamp

I know this blog is mainly dedicated to my princess, but I had to update you guys on my brother. As most of you know, he decided to join the Marines. I recieved the 1st phone call at 12:25 last night to let me know that he had arrived safely. It was such a sad call for me. Very loud and quick call, not what i expected at all. It was a scripted call and he could only say so much. I didn't even have a chance to say anything back. Definitley brought tears to my eyes. It's going to be a tough 3 months of bootcamp, but I know he will do great and i'm so very proud of him for choosing this path. I will be communicating with him by letters weekly and I cannot wait to see him become an official Marine :-) Love you Brother!!!

At his going away Party!

Sunday dropped him off at hotel in Houston: Ariana could not get enough hugs from him

The cake!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter weekend and guess what?? more dancing

We headed to San Antonio for Easter weekend. Thankful for the extended weekend because we got to leave on Thursday. We had a very good time and of course it was very relaxing. We enjoyed some time at the Riverwalk, Ariana loved it out there. I have taken her there before but she was a lot smaller at the time and didn't really show too much excitement, this time it was a different story, She absolutley fell in love with the river and the boats (we didn't get to ride on the boat this time, but next time it will be the 1st thing on our agenda) She actually turned down the Disney Store to go outside and enjoy the beautiful scenery, I was in Schock, LOL...but of course i had to eventually take her into the Disney Store, i couldn't let her miss that even if she wanted to. (it sure would have saved me money though, LOL) She stocked up on Disney Jewlery, flip flops, and Sunglasses, it was oh too CUTE....We also got to visit with our family that live in that area. It was definitley good times because i had not seen them in SUCH A LONG time, can't wait to do it again :-)

Ariana danced at the Derby Doll Mini Clinic last night, She did a great job. The show was awesome. We enjoyed all the routines performed and i especially enjoyed the finale (its a tradional dance that has been performed for years) definitley brought back Memories. We were also informed that next year we will have the 40 Year Derby Doll Reunion. Should be very interesting and Fun. Once a Doll, Always a Doll :-) Ariana will also be performing at X-Treme Jazz Spring Show on Saturday April 24th at 7:00 p.m. They will get to perform all the routines they took to competition. I'm reallly excited about this show because a lot of our family and friends have not been able to see her dance since the competitions are held out of town. She did an EXCELLENT job at competition i'm hoping she does the same now that she is going to be able to dance and perform in EL Campo.

Our plans for this weekend should be very relaxing. My brother will be leaving on Sunday for the Marines so we will be spending time with him. We won't have any communication with him for 3 months but through letters :-( i'm already sad and worried about him. But this is what he REALLY wants to do so we are behind him 100%. Can't wait to see him when he graduates and is offially a MARINE, its going to be quite an accomplishment and i'm going to be one PROUD sister.

Enjoy the pictures and I hope all of you have a GREAT WEEKEND :-)

at Caynon Lake:

San Antonio:

Little Ms. Diva

At Claire's shopping for Earrings

AT the Riverwalk

At the Derby Doll Spring Show:

Posing with Derby Doll Monica